
We are meeting in person on Sundays!
Our church gatherings are informal and relaxed. We usually have a mix of live and multimedia praise and worship. At Rhythm, our team values the ministry of an uplifting message that can be applied to our everyday life. We will allow room for the Holy Spirit to minister to people and still provide space for people to experience freedom. Our popular Rhythm Espresso is available for more connected conversations to take place and for some great food too. On Sundays, our coffees are complimentary to everyone that attends Rhythm Church, so we can ensure that everyone has an opportunity for hang around and feel included. No pressure to buy some food from the cabinet.
We usually have a free bread available on Sundays kindly donated from a local bakery the night before.

Together is always better! Our Rhythm Teams are a great way to engage in building relationships in a positive and uplifting environment. We regularly see new people experience faith, hope and love when they engage in our serve teams.
Our teams include hospitality, production, creative, hosts and more. If you would like to know more, send us an enquiry here

As we continue to grow as a church in Aura, we will launch new connect groups. We believe that connect groups are vital for the life and well being of people and for strengthening our faith.
We have prayer groups, home groups and look forward to other groups launching soon.

Our church screams Community.
We will do whatever it takes within our capacity to reach our local community. Through our Care Ministry Charity – Rhythm Initiative we provide support for people who are disadvantaged and need support. Regardless of religion, background or cultural differences, Jesus impacted lives wherever he went. We like to think that we can do the same… unconditionally.
In coming months, following the success of our Parcels of Peace campaign, more than 1000kgs of hamper items were donated to families in need. We are looking to launch The Pantry: An affordable food bank service to serve you. Stay tuned for info: follow The Pantry on Facebook.